USC South Watt Plot
This was a quick observation after the historic amounts of rain Los Angeles has received over the past two months. These observations were made around 12:30pm on a Thursday. A drone was used to take aerial shots of the plots and documentation of the flowering species was done.
USC South Watt Plot
By Nina Weithorn
Test Plot Intern
Test Plot Intern
March 23 2023
This was a quick observation after the historic amounts of rain Los Angeles has received over the past two months. These observations were made around 12:30pm on a Thursday. A drone was used to take aerial shots of the plots and documentation of the flowering species was done.
High of 54, low of 45 degrees Fahrenheight. Sunny for a change.How are the plants doing?
The plants are all looking healthy and vibrant after the rain. The Diplacus aurantiacus, Heuchera rosada, and Lepechinia fragrans are all flowering. What is Vertical Mulch?
Field Notes
Action items
Ask campus irrigation to turn off sprinklers so we can control by hand watering.
USC Bloom Walk
In February we filled in some of the empty spaces in the USC Bloom Walk Test Plot. We selected additional species based on what was performing well in the plots and selected a couple of novel species that could be well adapted the shady and moist plot. New plants were marked with yellow flags. Some existing plants such as the Gambelia speciosa and Lepechinia fragrans are thriving and have grown substationally since their initial planting.
USC Bloom Walk
By Nina Weithorn
Test Plot Intern
Test Plot Intern
Feb 15 2023
In February we filled in some of the empty spaces in the USC Bloom Walk Test Plot. We selected additional species based on what was performing well in the plots and selected a couple of novel species that could be well adapted the shady and moist plot. New plants were marked with yellow flags. Some existing plants such as the Gambelia speciosa and Lepechinia fragrans are thriving and have grown substationally since their initial planting.
Achillea millefolium
Berberis aquifolium
Ceanothus hearstiorum
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Gambelia speciosa
Heuchera maxima
Polysitchum munitum
Ribes virbunifolium
Salvia mellifera
Solidago californica
Symphoricarpos albus
Achillea millefolium
Berberis aquifolium
Ceanothus hearstiorum
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Gambelia speciosa
Heuchera maxima
Polysitchum munitum
Ribes virbunifolium
Salvia mellifera
Solidago californica
Symphoricarpos albus
Q: How do we help a campus transition away from turf?
Q: How do we make native plants and sustainable, water-wise practices, practicable in an institutional setting?
Q: How we make the practice of testing and stewardship part of standard campus / landscape architecture practice?
Still thinking about this one....
Questions we’re thinking about
by Alex Robinson
by Alex Robinson
Spring 2022
Q: How do we help a campus transition away from turf?
- Identify areas of “non-functional turf” as places to start plots.
- Test a palette of plants that are easily found to purchase, are primarily evergreen or semi-deciduous, and can be maintained/trimmed to USC’s aesthetic standards
- Develop a Plant Suitability Framework for choosing other native plant species that have not been tested by the Test Plot team
- Work with facilities to understand needs, opportunities, existing efforts/maintenance regimes, and knowledge gaps
- Expand the existing Test Plot student employee role into 2 internship positions covering maintenance and monitoring
Q: How do we make native plants and sustainable, water-wise practices, practicable in an institutional setting?
- Work with existing Irrigation infrastructure
- Suitable palette for campus use and aesthetics
- Maintenance practices & personnel management
Q: How we make the practice of testing and stewardship part of standard campus / landscape architecture practice?
Still thinking about this one....