EUCALYPTUS (2nd Planting)
San Bruno Mountain Test Plot
By Jen Toy
Test Plot Lead
DATE: January 15, 2024 / Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
︎WEATHER: Sunny, blue skies
WIND (SPEED/DIRECTION): not noticeable
︎PLANTS SIGHTINGS: Red Elderberry are self-sowing from outside the plot. There are many along the eucalyptus forest edge.
WEED SIGHTINGS: We identified about 10 weed species. The most prolific has been the oxalis pes-caprae. Others include Interestingly, the cape and english ivy have largely remained along the fence line, outside the plot.
WILDFLIFE SIGHTINGS: Crows joking around in the eucalyptus canopy. Need to pay closer attention to insect life.
︎HUMAN ACTIVITY: Lots of folks walking the trail
GENERAL: Together we dig below the eucalyptus litter, gently extracting the corms of oxalis, planting new species to add to our scrub, oak, prairie and seep habitats. Thrilled to find a red elderberry that has rooted itself from unknown origin, soaproot coming back and watching the bee plant (Scrophularia californica) and phacelia (Phacelia californica) thrive in the moist semi shady environs.
A new experiment to watch: Yoni took cuttings from dogwood and willow and we buried them around the perimeter of the plot. Will they root? How many years before we can start coppicing?
San Bruno Mountain Test Plot
By Jen Toy
Test Plot Lead
DATE: January 15, 2024 / Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
TIME: 9:30-11:30am
TEMP: 55 degrees ︎WEATHER: Sunny, blue skies
WIND (SPEED/DIRECTION): not noticeable
︎PLANTS SIGHTINGS: Red Elderberry are self-sowing from outside the plot. There are many along the eucalyptus forest edge.
WEED SIGHTINGS: We identified about 10 weed species. The most prolific has been the oxalis pes-caprae. Others include Interestingly, the cape and english ivy have largely remained along the fence line, outside the plot.
WILDFLIFE SIGHTINGS: Crows joking around in the eucalyptus canopy. Need to pay closer attention to insect life.
︎HUMAN ACTIVITY: Lots of folks walking the trail
GENERAL: Together we dig below the eucalyptus litter, gently extracting the corms of oxalis, planting new species to add to our scrub, oak, prairie and seep habitats. Thrilled to find a red elderberry that has rooted itself from unknown origin, soaproot coming back and watching the bee plant (Scrophularia californica) and phacelia (Phacelia californica) thrive in the moist semi shady environs.
A new experiment to watch: Yoni took cuttings from dogwood and willow and we buried them around the perimeter of the plot. Will they root? How many years before we can start coppicing?
Coastal, Riparian, Dune & Scrub Mix
Oak Woodlands Mix
Prairie and Grassland Mix
Freshwater Seeps & Marsh Mix
Coastal, Riparian, Dune & Scrub Mix
| (Coyote Brush) |
Erigeron glaucus (Seaside Daisy)
| (Hairy gumplant) |
| (CA Horkelia) |
| (Blue Beach Lupine) |
| (Blue Witch) |
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (Blue Blossom Ceanothus)
| (Sticky cinquefoil) |
| (Douglas Iris) |
| (Coffeeberry) |
| (Crevice Alum Root) |
| (Pink honeysuckle) |
| (Pink floweirng currant) |
Prairie and Grassland Mix
| (CA Sheepburr) |
| (CA Dandelion) |
Eschscholzia californica (CA poppy)
| (CA Oatgrass) |
| (Fiber Optic Grass) |
| (Bog rush) |
| (Spreading rush) |
| (Evening Primrose) |