Elysian Test Plot
By Anthony Martin
Test Plot Volunteer
DATE: June 20 2024
︎WILDLIFE SIGHTINGS: Plenty of insects were foraging in the wildflower patches including…
Elysian Test Plot
By Anthony Martin
Test Plot Volunteer
DATE: June 20 2024
TIME: 4:00 PM
TEMP: 75 F︎
WEATHER: Sunny, Clear Skies, Light Winds
PLANTS SIGHTINGS: Many of the flowers from Spring had withered and gone to seed but among the wildflowers, Clarkia unguiculata (Elegant Clarkia) and Clarkia bottae (Punch Bowl Godetia) were still in bloom. A fair amount of Datura wrightii (Sacred Datura) was growing adjacent to the Sycamore Plot (Plot 4) and Rainbow River area. Summer flowering plants were beginning to present themselves, i.e. Eriogonum fasciculatum (California Buckwheat).
WEED SIGHTINGS: Brush clearance had occurred recently, much of the persistent black mustard was cut back. ︎WILDLIFE SIGHTINGS: Plenty of insects were foraging in the wildflower patches including…
Erynnis tristis (Mournful Dustywing)
Leptotes marina (Marine Blue)
- Agraulis vanillae (Gulf Fritillary)
Bombus californicus (CA Bumble Bee)
Megachile spp. (Leaf Cutting Bee)
- Agapostemon spp. (Sweat Bee)
- Peucetia viridans (Green Lynx)
︎HUMAN ACTIVITY: People enjoying the trail for hiking / running / dog walking
The summer solstice punctuated the transition from Spring’s wildflower splendor to hotter, dryer, and dormant months ahead. Clarkia unguiculata and Clarkia bottae were present in patches along the newly established plot adjacent to Plot 2. Additionally, Salvia apiana (White Sage) and Salvia mellifera (Black Sage) sprouts were observed in the rowed plot seeded with shrub seed mix. Both Plots 1 & 2 have matured quite dynamically with large swathes of Penstemon spectabilis (Showy Penstemon), Salvia apiana (White Sage), and Eriogonum gigateum (St. Catherine’s Lace). Stunted plants in the portion of Plot 1 that is nestled under the Eucalyptus tree have finally overcome the growth inhibitory influence of the tree’s leaf litter. Several Ceanothus species now thrive in that area. The Prunus ilicifolia (Hollyleaf Cherry) remains a standout in Plot 1.
The shade plot (Plot 3) was ripe with Ribes viburnifolium which continues to grow outside the original perimeter. The expanded seed plot adjacent to Plot 3 was sparse with wildflowers but the Quercus agrifolia (Coast Live Oak - planted Fall 2023) and the Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow), Fremontodendron californicum (Flannel Bush) planted early Spring 2024 were still growing/happy. Several Penstemon spectabilis (Showy Penstemon), Artemisia douglasiana (CA Mugwort), Baccharis pilularis (Coyote Bush), and possibly Solidago velutina ssp. californica (CA Golden Rod) volunteers were spotted in the surrounding areas of Plot 1.
Several sprouted Quercus engelmannii acorns (Engelmann Oak) were planted in various plots (︎Acorns courtesy of Joey from Elephant Hill Test Plot) a few months prior and were still alive upon observation. Overall, the four original plots appear to be established and are maturing quickly.
The summer solstice punctuated the transition from Spring’s wildflower splendor to hotter, dryer, and dormant months ahead. Clarkia unguiculata and Clarkia bottae were present in patches along the newly established plot adjacent to Plot 2. Additionally, Salvia apiana (White Sage) and Salvia mellifera (Black Sage) sprouts were observed in the rowed plot seeded with shrub seed mix. Both Plots 1 & 2 have matured quite dynamically with large swathes of Penstemon spectabilis (Showy Penstemon), Salvia apiana (White Sage), and Eriogonum gigateum (St. Catherine’s Lace). Stunted plants in the portion of Plot 1 that is nestled under the Eucalyptus tree have finally overcome the growth inhibitory influence of the tree’s leaf litter. Several Ceanothus species now thrive in that area. The Prunus ilicifolia (Hollyleaf Cherry) remains a standout in Plot 1.
The shade plot (Plot 3) was ripe with Ribes viburnifolium which continues to grow outside the original perimeter. The expanded seed plot adjacent to Plot 3 was sparse with wildflowers but the Quercus agrifolia (Coast Live Oak - planted Fall 2023) and the Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow), Fremontodendron californicum (Flannel Bush) planted early Spring 2024 were still growing/happy. Several Penstemon spectabilis (Showy Penstemon), Artemisia douglasiana (CA Mugwort), Baccharis pilularis (Coyote Bush), and possibly Solidago velutina ssp. californica (CA Golden Rod) volunteers were spotted in the surrounding areas of Plot 1.
Several sprouted Quercus engelmannii acorns (Engelmann Oak) were planted in various plots (︎Acorns courtesy of Joey from Elephant Hill Test Plot) a few months prior and were still alive upon observation. Overall, the four original plots appear to be established and are maturing quickly.